Ko wai au? (About me)


Ko Taranaki, ko Tokatoka ōku maunga.

Ko Patea, ko Wairoa ōku awa.

He uri ahau nō te ao o Pakakohi, Ngā Rauru, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Whātua, Hōrana me Tenemāka hoki.

Ko Kendra tōku ingoa.



Pūtake / Origin

Pai Rawa Prints is as an outlet to express myself through my mahi toi (art). My vision is to share my mahi toi and Māori culture with others. This allows me to embrace my mana motuhake (identity) and help others deepen their understanding of my culture. 


Pakahi / Business

Greeting cards, Art Prints


Tukanga Auahatanga / Creative Process  

All artwork is created by hand. 

1. Sketch a draft on paper.

2. Trace over the sketch in pen.

3. Photograph the drawing which is transferred to an iPad.

4. Recreate the drawing as a digital print.